Thursday, September 27, 2012

On The Shelf 9.27.12


Four weeks after beginning 1984 and my odyssey is finally over. I could go on about the fours hours I spent yesterday finishing the novel, or discuss how the bland diction enhances the narrative, or how deep the betrayal of O'Brian struck me, but, at the moment, I don't feel particularly motivated to discuss such things.

Instead I'd rather talk about a highly self-aware article I stumbled upon called How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later by Phillip K. Dick. As a general rule I avoid anything written in first person (yes, the irony of this blog is not lost on me) as I find an unbiased third person narrator far more intriguing and helpful in the development of minor characters. However, the narration of the author who wrote this particular piece may force me to reconsider my position. Concealed behind the rambling anecdotes, lies a well-developed argument about the true nature of reality. Dick goes into great detail about coincidences and life imitating art and art imitating life, although he chooses different words to illustrate his point; the ideas remain the same.


As fall is the season of season premiers, several of my favorite shows came back on air last Thursday. Of particular interest was Parks and Recreation, which returned for more laughs on the 20th. The last episode left off with the election of Leslie Knope to the City Council, and I am eager to see how her absence from the Parks department will affect the easily agitated staff.


On Tuesday I found a delightful new blog: Lucille and Mitt. Somehow between the meme-ic font and the absurd faces, Mitt Romney's antiquated beliefs become oddly more realistic as they develop him as a character instead of a person.


After about an hour into a car ride on day trip to Chicago and three Supernatural fan playlists later, I rediscovered my distaste for the Supernatural fandom. However, I did find an enchanting new song The Problem with Saints. Despite my penchant for Joan of Arc I had never considered how she might cope in a modern society. 


This Wednesday I rediscovered fruit snacks at the urging of my sister. I was not impressed.

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