Saturday, August 18, 2012

Start-up Post

I generally prefer to read simpler things that are probably below my reading level. My reading style is typically not very in-depth unless I have someone to discuss my reading with.  When I read for pleasure I don’t always read very closely and usually it takes a second reading for me to really understand or appreciate the writing in a piece. This style does help me get through books fairly quickly, so it usually doesn’t take as long for me to complete books.
                I would like to take some time to truly enjoy what I’m reading, appreciating and acknowledging every word the first read through. My goal for this class is to improve my academic vocabulary so I can better describe and analyze my reading pieces. I would also like to read something outside my typical comfort zone, hopefully that will help me with future exams. 


  1. Tut tut tut, taking it easy are you kda17? Well, good luck with your goal! :)

  2. I didn't think you would actually read this. I shall strive to be more impressive from now on. And thank you.
