Thursday, August 30, 2012

On the Shelf 8.30.12

This week I began the first 'challenging' book for myself, 1984 by George Orwell. I've probably only read thirty pages so far, but already it doesn't seem to fit the typical 'classic' category that other novels in the far corner of the Etymology library. It's not the writing by any means (although I don't really have any place in critiquing writing) but the novel feels too contemporary to be shoved into the same category as Great Expectations and The Catcher in the Rye. The idea that has intrigued me the most (and I've found a lot of what I've read so far intriguing) is probably the Ministries. The contradicting ideals of their motos: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength, is a conflict I look forward to seeing play itself out.
Also on my radar this week is this delightful tumblog, This Should Be In A Museum. Tuesday through Friday, the blog offers up tasteful vignettes of various museums around the globe. The diversity of the museums selected has helped me add to my 'list of places to'.  The author of the blog throws in casual anecdotes about the location of the museums and his/her love of what she does is very apparent. Something is very satisfying about reading or seeing someone so passionate about something that you can't help but be engaged by default.
Recently on a trip back from a (rather disappointing) Harry Potter spoof, a friend of mine discovered that my dad can hook ipods up to his car and project them throughout the vehicle. The first person she wanted to play was Linsey Stirling, I've always loved violins but having an orchestra-oriented friend to explain the subtleties of the songs greatly increased my appreciation for her pieces.

Monday, August 27, 2012

On the Shelf for Longreads: The General and The Moose

     The Awl has an ongoing series about the politics and controversies surrounding the Revolutionary War, and this week I was fortunate enough to stumble upon The General and The Moose (quick confession, I just like the word moose). The article primarily focused on a little known story of the time - the time Thomas Jefferson tried to send a moose to France. Obviously the practicality of transporting an animal moose-sized over the Atlantic Ocean with colonial technology is baffling on its own, but the motivation behind this request is what I find far more amusing. Buffon, a prominent European scientist, believed that American moose were a degenerate version of the European Elk. Thomas Jefferson decided that this incorrect assumption should be corrected as soon as possible. After long hours of letters, debates, and controversy the moose of America and Europe were revealed to be two different species.
     There's something soothing about the petty squabbles of Jefferson and Buffon. Their arguments can easily be likened to school boy bickering, debating about whose dad can beat up the other father. Yet, silly banter like this reminds me that our leaders and founding fathers, set up on a pedestal by our history books and teachers, were still people. Trivial little debates about the size of moose and other obscure details are also part of our history and offer a new perspective on our 'boring' Founding Fathers.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

On the Shelf 8.23.12


Starting this week I began my noble quest to conquer books beyond my comfort zone. As in many quests it began sluggishly. This week I cracked openPawnee: the Greatest Town in America, written in the perspective of character Leslie Knope of the program Parks and Recreation. I typically avoid books relating to television series, but something about it drew me in. The novel (I can't, in good conscience, call it a book) describes the fictional city of Pawnee’s rich history, culture and frequent raccoon infestations. Told primarily from Leslie Knope’s narrative, the novel also incorporates brief contributions from other characters and does a wonderful job of letting each individual shine.

Another haunt this week was tvtropes, a wiki about the world of media cliches and patterns. The site details repeated trends in media, giving them creative names like Ham To Ham Combat to describe large and overacted characters fighting to see who can be the most unnecessarily dramatic. The unique terminology the site prides itself in can come across as a bit intimidating to new comers but after spending an afternoon clicking on Lampshade Hanging, Fridge Logic, and YMMV, the accumulated vocabulary opens up a new world of pop culture references.


This week my background music of choice has been Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack to The Dark Knight Rises. I have yet to find a Hans Zimmer song I haven’t enjoyed but something about this particular CD speaks to me. As with most soundtracks there are quiet songs but the strong instrumentals of The Fire Rises, Gotham’s Reckoning, and Underground Army give me chills with their power. It also makes mundane tasks like cleaning the dishes feeling like I’m saving a city with each plate.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Start-up Post

I generally prefer to read simpler things that are probably below my reading level. My reading style is typically not very in-depth unless I have someone to discuss my reading with.  When I read for pleasure I don’t always read very closely and usually it takes a second reading for me to really understand or appreciate the writing in a piece. This style does help me get through books fairly quickly, so it usually doesn’t take as long for me to complete books.
                I would like to take some time to truly enjoy what I’m reading, appreciating and acknowledging every word the first read through. My goal for this class is to improve my academic vocabulary so I can better describe and analyze my reading pieces. I would also like to read something outside my typical comfort zone, hopefully that will help me with future exams.