Tuesday, October 30, 2012

On the Shelf: 10.29.12


I saw Tina Fey first on her SNL depiction of Sarah Palin in the 2008 Vice Presidential Debate. Which I'm sure most of you have at least heard about by now, but for me the experience was, if not very memorable, at least something I can recall with fairly decent accuracy. Not only did it mark my first exposure to political satire and people on television swearing (I was a very isolated twelve-year-old) but it was the first time I saw a female comedian. At the time the experience was hidden under levels of a painfully basic knowledge of politics combined with a precocious interest in dry mockery, but Tina Fey soon became a background character in my life - I was aware she was a very intelligent and very humorous lady, but I wasn't actively seeking out her companionship in my literary and viewing adventures.

As I mentioned last week, I began her book Bossypants, and this week I have it soundly completed. Sexism is still a concept I have yet to fully understand as I only have limited experience with it myself (I typically only talk to my friends and we have a strict matriarchal merticocracy). Yet hearing Fey's tale about her male dominated work force and the constant questions she receives about how she 'handles' being a working mother and managing hundreds of subordinates is an uncomfortable experience. But somehow Fey manages to put a light-hearted comedic twist on even the most disrespectful moments.

However, this isn't why I feel Bossypants is worth picking up. No, this novel is worth a read not because it is simply funny but because it feels real. (And someone will probably google-fu this and reveal Fey did in fact use a ghost writer, but forget them) But Fey's life experience doesn't feel contrived or forced - she has opinions and she isn't afraid to share, after all, it's not her fault you decided to read her book (A fact of which she is quick to remind you of). 


I attempted to enjoy Adventure Time. Really, I did. I forced myself through two episodes before I finally gave up. Randomness for randomness' sake simply doesn't cut it anymore (for those of you who will bring up my Hetalia phase - I was young and foolish and accents are funny.) and I have simply been left longing for something more solid and less quirky.


fororchestra. Although I guess this would technically count as listening too. Run by a twenty-something trying to make it in the digital music industry, Fororchestra does, as the name might imply, orchestral covers of popular songs. He eeks out about one song a week, and some of my personal favorites are his covers of Adele, Avicii's 'Levels', Psy's 'Gangum Style', and MGMT's 'Kids'.


My mother's onion, leek, chicken and potato soup, in place of the default tacos offered at Saturday's stage crew build day.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

On the Shelf 10.22.12


Baby steps were made with The Fault in Our Stars this week, but I can proudly declare I began a new novel this weekend. After a round of speed-dating with books that mostly left me uninteresting, my curiosity was piqued with Bossypants by Tina Fey.

Fey's frank and sarcastic approach to life at the top of the entertainment industry offers charming insight on the comedic minds behind shows like Saturday Night Live and 30 Rock and illustrates the 'diversification' of comedy groups like Second City. Bossypants made quite an incredibly boring car ride significantly more interesting and I look forward to finishing it.


Dirk Gently, a British program about an eccentric detective and his loyal companion. Inspired by the Douglas Adams novels of the same name, this off-beat, not-quite comedy has a delightful mix of deduction, snark and humanity mixed with just a pinch of the ineffable. Despite the surface similarities it shares with Sherlock Holmes, Dirk Gently sets itself apart with the title character's ambiguous crime-solving strategy (almost reminds me of Victorique from Gosick), the stark reality of a failing detective agency and an appropriately quirky secretary.


The faceless person who sits across from me in Study Hall greatly appreciates loud music. The subtle nuance of blasting ones eardrums out with music that can be clearly heard from seven feet away is unfortunately lost on this philistine. It is impressive that he seems to have found the exact volume between loud enough to get the monitor to lecture him and not quiet enough that only he can hear it.


I have been brought out of my deep-seated distaste for all things tortilla (I blame a period in my developmental years, probably around second grade, when my mother decided that bread had too many carbohydrates and we should only have tortillas for three months - the experiment lasted two weeks) with the discovery that when one is very hungry and very cold cheese quesadillas taste fantastic.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

On the Shelf: 10.15.12


I'm about halfway through The Fault in Our Stars and I must admit, I'm impressed. I wasn't expecting awful writing, but the quality of  what I've read has by far exceeded my expectations. It feels too early to cast a final judgement but I can guess what happens (they meet the author, he is disappointing or the answers he offers fail to live up to expectations, or Hazel dies in the middle of the drive to the author's house.) 


As anyone who has talked to me for more than thirty minutes will know, I am obsessed with superheroes. More specifically a television program called Young Justice, which is hosted on Cartoon Network. This delightful channel decided that, for their birthday, they would pull the program, in the middle of the season, (the fourth time they've done this) ten hours before it was scheduled to air. Without notifying the creators, publicists or even giving a press release. Understandably the internet backlash was swift but surprisingly polite.

Fans bombarded Cartoon Network's webpage with delicately worded complaints, voiced polite distaste on Cartoon Network's facebook page and sent condolences to the creators. Yet Cartoon Network's unprofessional behavior did have one positive consequence; since no one was properly informed of the delay iTunes released the episode the day after it should have aired. Naturally 'leaked' versions of the episode were already available online, but thanks to fans on tumblr and twitter and  the latest episode became the top selling episode on iTunes for the week.


****nosexisthalloweencostumes. What started out as a humble comparison between male and female Halloween costumes available (a majority of costumes only have the 'sexy' option available for women), quickly escalated into a full-out discussion on feminism and shamming.


A tumblog dedicated to Gravity Falls recently released the soundtrack to several episodes. Although I highly recommend the program itself, it has phenomenal music, if the theme song is anything to go by.


This week was one of hastily made dinners and half eaten sandwiches. Nothing noteworthy.

Friday, October 12, 2012

What We're Loving

The Sun eclipsed by Saturn taken from Titan

There is something undeniably compelling about a person who feels so passionately about a subject their entire being practically exudes enthusiasm. Carolyn Porco was born to study astronomy.

In her 2007 talk This is Saturn, Carol delivers a goosebump-raising lecture on two of Saturn's moons.

The first picture of an
outer planet's surface

Despite her dated pop culture references, playful jabs at scientists who removed Pluto from the nine planets, and the uncomfortable pitch of her microphone, Porco delivers a thorough explanation of the leaps and bounds made with the Cassini space probe. She introduces ground breaking discoveries of moons with the potential to support life and delivers stunning photographs of images beyond imagining. Her lecture is a breathtaking snapshot of spectacular planetary discovery and it is definitely worth eighteen minutes of your time.

Monday, October 8, 2012

On the Shelf 10.8.12


I started The Fault in Our Stars this week after hearing nothing but positive reviews from my nerdfighter friends. Granted, I usually take their recommendations with a grain of salt, but this week I was feeling like some fluffy romance with an aesop buried somewhere.

October also marked an uptake in my feminist literature intake. I started off with a brief article on Thor which quickly lead into a study on the The Bechdel Test, which is a simple set of criteria (1. It includes at least two women, who 2. have at least one conversation where they 3. talk about something other than men) that serves as litmus test for female presence in literature. Despite the deceptively simple requirements it is embarrassing how many prominent films have utterly failed to pass this test (Transformers, Star Wars IV through VI, Iron Man, etc.).


The first episode of Elementary was sorely disappointing. It seems unfair to compare the program to the BBC's highly acclaimed show, Sherlock, but for the level of fame Elementary seemed to strive for, it utterly failed to meet the mark.


The tumblog nerdyfacts, a lovely collection of, as the name implies, nerdy facts. I'm stuck between feeling proud I know most of the facts related to my fandoms or disappointed the Simpson counts as 'nerd material'. We're better than that, folks.


Thanks to tumblr I was indirectly exposed to the wonder that is Max Raabe. This brilliant man manages to create the most delightful blend of nasal and smooth singing. I wasn't aware it was possible to make songs like "Party Rock" "Oops I did it again"  and "Mambo No. 5" classy, yet somehow this musical genius manages to make even the crudest songs seem like they wouldn't be out of place in Harmonia Gardens.


Panera's customary chips. They have a delightful thick texture that never fails to taste fantastic. Also my aunt's tuxedo cake, made for my grandfather's 73rd birthday, with an almost sinful amount of dark chocolate.